Plant your seeds with confidence!
Introducing the CULTURA Peg! Made from our proprietary tech, the Ceramic-Alloy peg enhances the soil to help with plant growth. It’s easy to use, simply "plug & play".
JAH CULTURA was created to pivot the results of years of deep tech research towards generating technologies that will improve and increase food production in an environmentally sustainable manner with minimum to zero energy consumption, ensuring food safety and security for the world.
Now in your home garden, using the peg you can enhance that growth process in a non-invasive, non-chemical method that is totally environment friendly.
CULTURA Peg (Price in SGD)
Use only water to rinse the peg. Do not scrub or scratch the peg with any metal or sharp objects.
The CULTURA Peg is an innovative product that offers a long life span. It remains effective for up to 3 years with proper care. However, nearing the end of the peg life span, we recommend you bring the peg back to us in exchange for a new piece of the peg at a discount. This will enable us to recycle the old peg and re-process them with our proprietary tech.